Five Core Pillars
1. Proactive and Inclusive
We continuously strive to improve our proactive and inclusive approach to embedding Safer Gambling practices for all our customers.
The proactive approach means we are no longer waiting for individuals to show signs of gambling problems before Safer Gambling becomes relevant, transitioning from the traditional reactive and medical models of ‘gambling addiction’, towards a far more inclusive and pre-emptive approach that encompasses all our customers, irrespective of wealth, age, disability, relationship, race, religion, gender, and sex.
2. Integrated
The Safer Gambling program forms an integral part of BVGroup’s business activities and demands that the customer is centric to all decisions related to delivering products, services, and experiences to create customer satisfaction, loyalty and to provide the safest gambling environment for all our customers.
3. Impact-focused
We continually review and evaluate all processes to measure the impact of our Safer Gambling strategy. We use a combination of external research & guidance as well as utilising both historical and current customer data to benchmark the impact of the interaction/intervention on our customers.
4. Empowering
We empower our customers to gamble safely through innovative products and tools that allows customers to stay in full control of their gambling. Staff must also be supported with appropriate guidance and information regarding the use of Safer Gambling tools.
By empowering staff and customers, through education and training with tools and techniques that will protect financially vulnerable customers and create more consistent approaches to player protection.
5. Continuous Improvement
Develop and maintain a culture of ongoing learning through continuous training and development; learn from existing progress and develop safer gambling solutions and messages which are more meaningful and relevant for staff and customers.